Stats & Standings
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D/FW PS2 Stats/Standings:


Ravens(Slade) --------- W/L Record:(8-2) Points For:(410) Points Against:(179)

Buccaneers (Kinne) -- W/L Record:(4-10) Points For:(388) Points Against:(503)

Cowboys (David D) --------- W/L Record:(3-0) Points For:(74) Points Against:(27)

Chiefs (Lee) -------- W/L Record:(5-5) Points For:(262) Points Against:(301)

Rams (Keith) -------------- W/L Record:(1-7) Points For:(143) Points Against:(347)

Packers (John) ------ W/L Record:(1-6) Points For:(80) Points Against:(150)


Broncos (Rob) --------- W/L Record: (10-0) Points For:(389) Points Against:(151)

Vikings (David H.)----- W/L Record:(4-4) Points For:(264) Points Against:(227)

Redskins (Rodney)----- W/L Record: (3-5) Points For:(169) Points Against:(195)

Panthers (Donnie B) -------- W/L Record (7-5) Points For:(298) Points Against: (286)

Colts (Alex) ---------- W/L Record: (2-4) Points For:(173) Points Against:(189)

Jaguars (Troy) ----------- W/L Record: (1-1) Points For: (56) Points Against: (79)

Standings update once the League kicks off!